
Conference Photographs now available; Raffle Winner announced.

A big thank you to Cr Raylene Carr for her dedication in once again taking photos at our events, this time at our Annual Conference at Warrnambool.  A big thank you also to Susan Alberti AC, for donating a copy of her forthcoming book.  We raffled it, and raised $286 which will go towards funding the 2018 Bursary Award.  The raffle winner was Cr Coral Ross.

The hardworking organizing committee.

MC Jacinta Ermacora and the 2016 and 2017 Bursary Winners Michelle Richards & Jolynne Rydz.

Rural Vice President Cr Jill Parker with Conference attendees and speaker Gail Cumming of the VLGA.

Committee member Cr Wendy Buck with Conference attendees and speaker Julie Saylor-Briggs of the MAV.

Committee member Barbara Abley AM with representatives from our major sponsor Barwon Water.

Mayor Rhonda Sanderson, Bursary Winners and attendees.

Life Member Pam McLeod and attendees.

Mayor Mary Ann Brown, speaker Sheridan Meublok and attendees.

National President and Dinner Guest Speaker Cr Coral Ross with Victorian President Helen Coleman.

Cr Raylene Carr, Chair of the Bursary Sub Committee and attendees.

The star of our visit to Flagstaff Hill.

Marama and our youngest attendee.
