
  • History publication wins award!

    History publication wins award!
  • Our first Patron!

  • Centenary History Launched!

  • Women Councillors 1914 to 2014

    For many years the Victorian Local Government Act had the following clause:

    No female, no uncertificated and undischarged bankrupt or insolvent, and no person attainted of treason or convicted of felony or perjury or any infamous crime, no person of unsound mind, and no person not qualified as herein required or disqualified hereunder, shall be capable of being or continuing a councillor of any municipality.

    On 2 November 1914 legislation was passed altering that clause, and women property owners became eligible to stand for local government; thus this year is the centenary of that occasion.

    Please see the news item of 10 November for an update of this information, as updated versions of the lists have now been published.

  • Local Government Minister thanks ALGWA.

  • Australian Honours.

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